Monday, March 10, 2008


So I took one more test and to add somemore insult to my personality it seems I am pretty close to a nerd. Only 23% of the population is more "nerdy than me!

I am nerdier than 76% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

Oh well. I am just a goofy nerd I guess!!!!!!


Lee said...

I have no idea how I married such a nerd and gave birth to an "uber nerd"!!! Check out dd's blog!!! LOL I'm ranked as a Non-Nerd??

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Lol! A Goofy Nerd!! How insulting, Suzanne. My results were silly too - one said I was not a nerd, but not cool, and the other one said I WAS a cool non-nerd.

Hey - this silly quiz is not going to stop me hanging around here!! LoL!!!