After a very icy and late night at the polls, and a shot nights sleep DH and I headed out for the third of his treatments. Living in a metro area there are many hospitals in our area. He has been going here. It's a relatively small (for our area anyway) hospital about 25 minutes from our home. It's really cool that when a baby is born at the hospital they play a few bars of Brahm's Lullaby over the PA system. That shows you how small it is cause it doesn't play very often....
The ice is melting though still cold and very rainy. Some slippery spots, but at least un like getting into the house last night; getting out was easy as it was going down hill.....I took advantage of being at hospital for most of the day today and relaxed by watching St. Peter on my lap top. A movie with Omar Shariff as St. Peter. The movie was very long--over 3 hours but Omar was wonderful!
Hey!! I think I saw an Omar Shariff movie with Esther Williams.........I LOVE her!!!
I'm checking out your links, Suzanne. Hope the treatments are gong well....and be careful on all that ice :-)
The polls sound pretty exciting this year even in Australia - wonder what the result will be...
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