Wednesday, April 09, 2008


When I was in Lancaster, PA for the Quilter's Heritage show I went to a Tea Room for an early dinner. Painter on one of their walls was this wonderful quote...

"It will cost nothing to dream and everything not to."

I don't know who first said or wrote this quote, but I have thought a lot about it since I first read it. This is a very true statement. We can dream all we wish at no cost. It is out of dreams that so many, if not all, great inventions and advancements have sprung. It is a dream that gives us the desire to to become something to achieve something. Without dreams the world and our lives would become a very staid and bleak place.

Yet all to often we are (I am) afraid to dream. Why is that? Are we so afraid to fail that we fail to dream of what could be? Or have we become such an immediate response and result culture that to dream of what is possible in the future is becoming a forgotten or discarded skill? Have we become so beaten down by realities that we forget to dream of possibilities?

I use we here, but really should be saying I. As a child and a youth, and I think even as a young adult I used to be a great dreamer. Day dreaming out the window during class was one of the things that often got me in trouble in school. But now as an older adult I find it very difficult to sad....! I get too caught up in perceived reality, in perceived road blocks, in concerns over what another person would think of me if I shared with then a crazy dream I might sad!

"It will cost nothing to dream and everything not to."

I need to redevelop this lost skill. I need to remind my self of this short quote. Dreaming costs nothing, but if I don't dream than I can not become what I am meant to be. Not dreaming will cost me the wonderful life that was meant for me and put me in the sad position of just being a place holder in this world. I think ceasing to dream is in some real sense is ceasing to live......

What are your dreams?????


Susan Hurley-Luke said...

You are right, Suzanne. We do need to allow ourselves to dream and we do get out of the habit as we go through life. Thanks for the reminder.

Lee said...

What a great quote!! I love that!! I say if you're going to dream, dream big!! Reality can find you later!! LOL

Sarah said...

Suzanne - This is a great quote! Dreaming does seem to have taken a back seat to instant gradification. I like Lee's idea about dreaming big!! I think I will have to ponder this thought more myself...