This is not a pretty picture post or even a wonderful quote. It is more of a registering of a trend that I find very disturbing. Call me old, call me old fashioned, call me out of touch with the culture today.....I don't care what you might call me, but this article in the Washington Post yesterday really bothers me in a BIG way. What are we teaching our children? What have we taught the young parents of today about the meaning of being parents themselves. From this article it would seem not much good.
The article appeared on the front page of the B section of the Monday, May5, edition of the Washington Post and it is about nightclubs that open their doors to parents and their children 7 years old and under for a time of "clubbing" together. It's called
Baby Loves Disco. Now I don't have any problem with little kids dancing and having fun with there parents, but this seems mainly to be a program to allow parents a day or night out drinking and dancing in a nightclub atmosphere with their kids. This is how the article described it...."it was a 300-person play date that mixed Bud Light and ba-bas, sequined halter tops and Huggies. Once a month, the latest in I-don't-wanna-grow-up parenting hits the District at the edgy nightclub of the moment,"
It was some of the quotes from these parents that really set me off.
"..... took a long pull on his rum and Coke. He was glad that he could buy a drink. He was, after all, huffing on the dance floor, his 11-day-old son, Henry, strapped to his chest in a Baby Bjorn and his wild 2-year-old, A.J., wiggling across the room.
His wife, ....., was delighted to get back into a nightclub so soon after childbirth.
"When you become a parent, you suddenly stop being this person you've been all these years, and that part is hard," she said."
Well, yeah, when you choose to have children you do become a parent!!! I don't think you stop being who you are you become a different facet of who you are. You now have a new role. In my old fashioned opinion if you don't want to be a parent that DON'T BECOME ONE! And yes it is hard! But it is so rewarding as well. As a parent you have a responsibility to your children and I personally don't think that includes taking them clubbing at 11 days old!
If you would like to read this whole article you can see it
here. It is not just a DC phenomenon. It is all around the country. I would be interested in knowing what you think. Am I the only old fashioned thinker that worries about what we are teaching our young ones about life and how is should be lived????? Just curious. If I am I will go find a rock and crawl under it.