Thursday, April 26, 2007

Major Focus Almost Over

A major focus of the first months of the year for me is preparing for our annual guild Quilt Show. This year has been no different. A difference this year is that I do not have anything hanging in the show itself. I just wasn't able to focus on finishing up anything worthy of the show. However I still am supporting it with my work fir the Guild Boutique and in co-chairing the Admissions area.
Putting on a show the size of ours takes a considerable amount of effort from a lot of people. There is some talk of not doing one next year. People are tired. I admit I am tired, but I'm not tired of working at the show, I'm not even tired of working to set up the show. Those are fun and exciting things. I'm tired of planning the show; tired of all those things that must go on during the 8 months prior to the weekend of the show.
Every year I say this will be my last, and every year I sign up to work on it again. If there wasn't to be a show in 2008 what would I miss the most? I would miss laughing and working beside my quilting friends. I'd miss the color and designs of the wonderful quilts my quilting friends make. But if I'm going to be brutally honest. What I would really miss the most is the opportunity to make money and help support my hobbies. I love to make things. I love to create all sorts of things, but I need to have money to support this love of crafting and sewing. And the only way I know to make that money is to sell things and the easiest place to sell them is at the guild boutique. Does that make me a bad person?

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