Sunday, July 14, 2013


I am reading a wonderful book titled Moloka'i written by Alan Brennert. Its a story masterfully told. A story that tell of the life of Rachel Kalama who at the age of 7, in 1891, contracts leprosy and is set to live on the Hawaiian island of Moloka'i at Kalaupapa, a leprosy settlement.

I would categorize this book as historical fiction. It is my favorite genre of fiction so I was immediately drawn into the story and would recommend it to anyone who loves to read. What I want to record here though so I can find it again is a quote from near the end of the book. It is a statement made by the character, Sister Catherine. At the time she makes this statement to Rachel, Sister Catherine is 70 years old and has been ministering to the young girls who are sent to Kalaupapa for over 50 years.  The two are speaking together after the funeral of Rachel's husband and Rachael has just been considering ending her life by just walking into the sea. Years before the two had observed the fist biplane to ever fly over the island and Sister Catherine had made the observation "Who can doubt the presence of God in the sight of men whom He has given wings?" Now she rephrases her thoughts on God. This is what she says.....

"God didn't give man wings; He gave him the brain and the spirit to give himself wings. Just as He gave us the capacity to laugh when we hurt or to struggle on when we feel like giving up.
I've come to believe that how we choose to live with pain, or injustice or death is the true measure of the Divine within us.....
....I used to wonder why did God give children leprosy? Now I believe, God doesn't give anyone leprosy. He gives us, if we choose to use it, the spirit to life with leprosy, and with the imminence of death. Because it is in our own mortality that we are the most Divine."

Why is this statement one I want to remember? Because for me it is a statement of faith. It is a statement that can fit so many situations in our own lives. In my life I have often wondered why God allowed my marriage to end. I can see now he didn't cause the divorce and it wasn't up to him to stop or prevent it. He has however put into me the ability to survive it and live with once again being single and alone. I just need to choose to use what He has put into me and move on into my new life.
This may not be the life I or He envisioned for me, but He has equipped me with what I need to live a happy, content and successful life where I am.